Thursday, August 6, 2009


I've had a really bad day.
I mean, on the surface of things, it may not seem bad.
But it was.
I mean, I'm more stressed than I've ever been in my life at the moment, and I'm sure that that's not helping.
But it sucked, big time.

I looked terrible this morning.
I have to do an assignment tonight that I've barely started and it's totally stressing me out. I HAVE NO FARKIN IDEA ABOUT IT!
My friends and I tried out for our school's talent show and completely failed at life.

I wrote an hypothesis for a girl in my english class because she was having serious trouble with the assignment (the same one that I have to do tonight) and she showed the teacher who didn't really like it. I mean, she did, but she mentioned some things that she thought should be changed. I felt so horrible, I was no help at all! The girl said she was really grateful but I felt awful.

Kay, so, also, my Dad lives in a town requiring a plane trip to get to from my house. I haven't spoken to him since I saw him at the end of last year. His girlfriend texted me to call him and my sister told me last night that he wanted to hear from me. But I just...haven't. And I don't know why! I don't want to, for some reason. Add to that that my Graduation dinner is soonish and I don't know if I'm going to ask him to come. I want him there but if he says that he doesn't want to, it would make me feel so much worse than if I'd just never asked.

I have an english extension assignment due soon and I don't even know what I'm going to do it on. I have no farkin idea.

Plus my friend was really stressed because she has a maths c assignment due tomorrow that she doesn't know how to do. I didn't realise this and said something snappy to her and she got really angry at me. She forgave me eventually though. I also helped her get an extension on her english assignment though, so I'm glad she only has her maths to worry about now.

I felt so helpless. I'm terrible at maths and it was the only thing that I needed to be good at. I wanted to help her so badly but I couldn't. I'm useless.

I kind of want to cry.

I saw my best friend, who I never see, today. It was only for like half an hour and we didn't really get to talk. I was there with my other friend and her sister (who is my best friend's girlfriend). They were going to give both of us a lift home but then the sisters realised that there were too many people. I offered to catch a bus but it was eventually decided that my best friend would catch a bus to his house. I feel horrible. I wanted to catch a bus, I mean, if he weren't there I would have gladly gotten in the car but I would have felt much better. But like boyfriend of sister beats friend of other sister. I mean, admittedly, I sort of live near them and he doesn't but like...ARGH. I also didn't hug him before he left. I was putting my stuff in the car and he was saying goodbye to his girlfriend. I wanted to give them their moment together but then I just got in the car because...I don't know.

I didn't really want to be with anyone but of course I did because I hate being alone. And I did want a hug, I really did. I need a hug right now, tbh. I feel like swearing too, but I'm not going to, because this is potentially on the internet for forever.

Plus my mum left for Fiji today and as lame as it is I kind of miss her already.

So now I'm left sitting in the dark, listening to Placebo and feeling sorry for myself.



  1. Megan, I'm so sorry you've had such an awful day. I hate days like that, where nothing goes right and everything's annoying. I had one of those days yesterday.

    I hope it gets better!

    And good luck on your assignments! You can finish them, don't worry about it.

    Oh, and *hugs*

  2. Hmm. . . . I just realized that you wrote this yesterday. Oh, well! It all still applies, haha.
