Friday, September 25, 2009


Guess who is happy?
Guess whose life is awesome?
Guess who even if she fails this extension assignment should end up on an HA overall?

I feel like dancing, dancing.

But I won't, I'm wearing nothing but a bathrobe and I feel that any dancing may severely disturb my stepfather-to-be.

The reason for my happiness?

I am thinking of changing the university I'm planning on going to! I went to the uni I am now thinking of going to yesterday, not for the first time, and it was just beautiful! And it felt right, you know. I'd been ignoring the feelings of wrong-ness that I'd gotten whenever I'd visited my original university. Like, even just the campuses. Original University A is all grey and concrete and it's always cold and no one really looks at each other. New University B is green and pretty and sandstone and the buildings are old and historic! Oh, and everyone there looks like they are having a good time.

I mean, vibe aside, I have done some research on potential courses at University B and I found out that it will actually be better for me to go there. I will be more employable (especially since I plan on going overseas and Uni B is much more globally recognised than Uni A). And the writing component is pretty much the same as at Uni A, except I get to have another major which allows me to do more on effective use of the english language. I'm so excited!

Added Bonus: It is the university that my two best friends attend/will attend. That had absolutely no bearing on my decision, so don't scowl at me, omnipresent reader.

I was unhappy with the thought of going to Uni A, but right now, I'm practically glowing thinking about Uni B!


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