Sunday, July 5, 2009

If Blogs Aren't for Quizzes then I'm in Serious Trouble

Haha, the title for this sounds like an old Panic at the Disco song.

I got this quiz from the awesome blog The Perks of Being a Wallflower (which is also my favourite book) and I believe that the blogger from there got this quiz from facebook somewhere??


Were you happy when you woke up?
Um, yeah. I generally wake up happy.

Do you plan on moving in the next year?
I wish. I could move out of home and live with people but I'm poor.

Is there one guy/girl you will always have feelings for?
I think I'll always have feelings for the 'idea' of him.

When was the last time someone called you cute or hot?
Last night *rolls eyes*

Any summer plans for 2009?
Summer 2008/2009 has already ended for me. I don't have any plans for next summer though, either.

Have you ever quoted a line from a movie?
I do it, like, incessantly.

Still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school?
Yes, but only the ones that go to my high school.

Who was the last person you talked to in person today?
My sister

When someone says "we need to talk" what do you think?
Nothing bad, I've never had a bad "we need to talk".

Do you stay up later than 10 PM on a week night?

How did you get your last bruise?
I get bruises constantly and I never know what they're from. I have a prominent one on my forehead from nearly knocking myself out on a cabinet.

At this very moment, what are you doing?
Writing this blog post??

Did you enjoy the movie Twilight?
I did actually, but I have the worsdt taste in movies ever, so I am by no means an indicator of good taste.

Could you survive the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
But some of it's really yummy! I could live the rest of my life without getting drunk??

Are you good at giving directions?
No, I'm shocking. I never know where I am or how to get where I'm going.

Could you survive without electricity?

What time did you get up this morining?
This morning?? 3 p.m. baby! I go to sleep in the a.m. and wake up in the p.m.

What time did you go to sleep? 6 a.m.

How often do you drink energy drinks?
I've never had one but I've always wondered if I should.

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Always. People my age and younger than me usually suck.

Are you waiting for something?
Er...not really.

Are girls too dramatic?
You can never be too dramatic.

Have you learned any life lessons?
Not really.

Do you ever think "what if"?
Yes, but only for future events, never past. Like I'll only go, "what if x event happened in the future?" not "what if x event had/hadn't happened in my past?"

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