Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Soon-To-Be-High-School-Graduate's Top Five Tips for Surviving School

Hello, hello. Now, I realise that at first, this post might seem curiously out of season. No one in either hemisphere is about to begin school. But think about it this way: students in the north have begun school about two months ago now, and students in the south are about to begin a new year at the beginning of February. So, I thought now would be a good time for all my lovely little students across the globe.

1. I don't want to seem too tired and worn out, and I'm sure this will be the umpteenth time you've heard this, but be yourself. High school is guaranteed to be full of all kinds of people. This is true whether you're going to a single-sex school or co-ed, secular or religious. You don't want to miss out on true friends who share your love of anime because you were busy pretending you like Gossip Girl. Believe me, by the time you get to senior year, those people who seemed like the bomb diggety, no longer feel cool anymore, and you'll be so glad that you have your awesome group to keep you sane.

2. This may seem obvious, but one of the most important thing when starting a new school, or even just a new year, is to get involved. Contributing to a group in your own time not only feels really rewarding but it's a great way to expand your social network too. Joining the Panda Appreciation Society means that you'll meet heaps of new potential friends who like the same things you do and you'll also have an oasis from the stresses of high school where you can relax and enjoy yourself. This goes for anything: sport, the school paper, a religious group, an academic team, anything that brings you joy!

3. Something else that completely stressed me out when I was going to high school was the sheer amount of people who either told me that high school was going to be the best years of my life or the worst thing I've ever experienced. Thus, my third piece of advice is to enter school with an open mind. In my experience, high school was neither the best nor the worst thing I've ever experienced. High school is what you make it. Don't feel pressured that your life will never get any better than what you experience at school or that it's going to be this big and scary place full of horrible deeds. Wait until you graduate to judge it.

4. Whilst my first piece of advice was to be yourself, remember that a new school is a clean slate. Any parts of yourself that you genuinely want to get rid of (your insecurity, your damaging relationships, your messy handwriting), the summer before high school is the time to do it. You can enter school and show your new high school who you really are. If your friends make you feel bad about yourself or are untrustworthy, high school is a great chance to make new ones. Or, for instance, if you've always loved drama but have never been game enough to try out for the school play because you're just not 'one of that crowd', now is your chance.

5. My final tip is also extremely important for helping you feel at ease and comfortable in your new school. Have no fear. This relates to all of the above tips, don't be afraid to be yourself or get involved in the things that interest you, don't worry about what high school is going to be like and don't be afraid to leave behind things which you really shouldn't be carrying with you. Also, remember not to be afraid of the people at high school. Most people will be happy to help you if you need it, and if they're not, just ignore them and ask someone else, their bad day is no problem of yours. Finally, don't discount anyone because you're afraid you're not their type of person or because they don't really fit into what you would consider your regular social circle. Someone in a different clique, a different social sphere or even a different grade can sometimes be an even better friend than the people you would normally approach.

Those are my five top tips to surviving high school! Thanks for reading!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

'Ello 'Ello

I have had uncontrollable urges to create things lately. This is a problem for me as I nearly failed my year eight home ec. course. My teacher made me cry on a regular basis, nevertheless, I will soldier on. I would love to be able to make my own clothes. Lately, this desire to create has resulted in desires to bake and a compulsive saving of pictures from home decorating blogs. I wish I had some artistic ability in like drawing and painting and craft. Maybe with some lessons? We shall see.

1. Show us something cute


From here.

2. What's the last homecooking you had?


Mama made me vegetarian shepherd's/cottage pie. Super yum! I appreciated her effort in making that for me and making another one with mince for the rest of the fam :)

3. What do you miss?

Photoshoots with my friends, by my friends.

All of those photographed by this girl.

4. What makes you laugh often?

Old Pictures.

5. What's your favorite word?

Three-way tie between glitter, effervescent and serendipitous.

6. What are you trying to quit?

Mango ice-cream, it feels so wrong but it tastes so good!

7. Whose style do you dig?


8. Link to a great blog you've discovered lately...

A Beautiful Mess by Elsie Cake.

9. What are you looking forward to?

My upcoming graduation from high school, subsequent celebrations thereof and shortly after my family's holiday to Europe!

10. Post a recent snapshot of yourself.

11. Recent Favorite Movie?

12. If a movie were made about you, who would play you?

See above, Zooey Deschanel...even though she's older than me, I just love her.

13. What gives you goosebumps?
Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap (clearly the 500 Days of Summer obsession continues).

14. Share a new obsession.

Home decorating. I'm seventeen, live with my mother but I am completely and absolutely in love with it.

15. What's the meaning of your life?

To not know the meaning of my life.

This quiz from here.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'll Tell Ya What I Want, What I Really Really Want


They're so pretty and they take such pretty pictures. I'm in love.


Saturday, October 10, 2009


If I ever feel sad, I just think of the fact that I've now finished extension english FOREVER!

I never have to do it againnnn :D :D

Sometimes small things can make you happy :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

I Has a Sekrit!

And nobody knows it!

(Except for Ila and Neas)

It's not a harmful one, just a silly, little, pretty one.



Friday, September 25, 2009


Guess who is happy?
Guess whose life is awesome?
Guess who even if she fails this extension assignment should end up on an HA overall?

I feel like dancing, dancing.

But I won't, I'm wearing nothing but a bathrobe and I feel that any dancing may severely disturb my stepfather-to-be.

The reason for my happiness?

I am thinking of changing the university I'm planning on going to! I went to the uni I am now thinking of going to yesterday, not for the first time, and it was just beautiful! And it felt right, you know. I'd been ignoring the feelings of wrong-ness that I'd gotten whenever I'd visited my original university. Like, even just the campuses. Original University A is all grey and concrete and it's always cold and no one really looks at each other. New University B is green and pretty and sandstone and the buildings are old and historic! Oh, and everyone there looks like they are having a good time.

I mean, vibe aside, I have done some research on potential courses at University B and I found out that it will actually be better for me to go there. I will be more employable (especially since I plan on going overseas and Uni B is much more globally recognised than Uni A). And the writing component is pretty much the same as at Uni A, except I get to have another major which allows me to do more on effective use of the english language. I'm so excited!

Added Bonus: It is the university that my two best friends attend/will attend. That had absolutely no bearing on my decision, so don't scowl at me, omnipresent reader.

I was unhappy with the thought of going to Uni A, but right now, I'm practically glowing thinking about Uni B!


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today was a good day. I thought I should put that out there, just to show I'm not all smudged mascara and angst.

I am doggedly avoiding even thinking about my horrific extension english assignment, and so far that is working out well for me.

Sunshine, lollypops, rainbows, everything is wonderful when we're together.


In your face :P


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Negam sucks. Neas is awesome. The end.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I apologise if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind...

Sorry! Sorry! A thousand times sorry! I shouldn't be emo.

In faaact, I'm going to tell you a story.

Once, there was a girl named...let's call her Negam. When Negam was fifteen, she had a boyfriend. She didn't like him too much so one day she broke up with him. Negam's now ex-boyfriend called her an emo slut who should die in a hole. Negam was a little upset.

Fast forward to when Negam is sixteen. She has a best friend who she trusts very much. Negam happens across the blog of this best friend (semi by accident, Negam takes some blame) and discovers that the latest post is a long rant about how much the best friend (?) hates Negam because she is insecure and whiny and emo.

A few days ago, seventeen-year-old Negam is talking to her (new) best friends Neas and Ila. Negam gets into a fight with Neas (which is fairly common). Negam gets heated and insults Neas, he, understandably, retaliates. He calls Negam emo and irritating. Negam is sad so she talks to Ila. Ila agrees with Neas which upsets Negam even more.

Negam is now hyper-self-conscious of appearing emo, and so she posts what likely ARE emo blog posts on her blog because she feels like she can't tell the two people she trusts most in the world about her problems anymore.

That is why Negam is sad and acting like an idiot for no reason. Negam's life isn't that bad. She is going to graduate high school soon and then she can run away and be an entirely new person.

Megan, alias, Negam

Sunday, September 20, 2009

From now on, this is my diary.

I hate everything. I hate everyone. I hate my life, I hate who I am. I hate everything.

I hate that my friends never go out.
I hate that I'm getting fatter.
I hate that I'm ugly.
I hate that everyone agrees with me.
I hate that I'm going to have a crap OP.
I hate that my heart is broken.
I hate that that is for no reason.
I hate love.
I hate that I've never been in love.
I hate that I will never let myself be in love.
I hate Australian Idol.
I hate feeling like this.
I hate that I trust no one.
I hate that I thought I'd moved on.
I hate that everyone hates me.
I hate that I can't tell anyone this.

I think...

...that if you believe in soulmates, I shouldn't exist. My parents weren't soulmates, they were probably never meant to be together. If they weren't meant to be together, I shouldn't exist. If I shouldn't exist, I don't have a soulmate. I guess the wrongness ends with me.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Late-Night Ramblings

I thought I should do this more like a typical blog post...about myself but not necessarily a list of random facts that no one needs to know.

I love the internet for it's anonymity. I can write whatever I want to and it will never be found by anyone I know. Or maybe it will, it doesn't bother me. My philosophy is that whatever happens, happens.

My parents divorced when I was eleven (I'm seventeen now). At the time it didn't seem as earth-shatteringly important as it does now. This is probably a reversal of the usual trend. They both have significant others now, my mum is getting married next May. A's kind of weird to think about. I'm not even sure I've totally processed it. He pretty much lives here now anyway, so it's not completely like anything will have changed. sort of makes my need to escape seem even more pressing.

That's something else about me, I suppose. I want to run away. I want to sever ties. I daydream about just dropping everything one day and moving to another country. I could change my name, how I dress, everything. I could never be found. I'm not so emo as to assume that I wouldn't be missed, but I think everyone would adjust. It would be perfect. I don't have the guts, though.

My family and I just attempted to play a board game. What a huge mistake. I don't know if it's like this in other families, but my mum and her fiance get super competitive and accuse everyone else of cheating. Then we leave the game more angry and less bonded than when we went in. A few months pass, we forget the negative side-effects of board games and they regain their allure. Hence, the vicious cycle continues. I think it was an evil plot by board-game-makers. They create these games which are promoted to increase family cohesiveness but instead they push you apart. The family then buy more board games in an attempt to regain their closeness, which pushes them further apart etc. It wouldn't suprise me.

I've always wondered if skin-care products really work. Like, if they cure your skin, wouldn't their usefullness be over? So, wouldn't it make sense to create a product that heals your skin somewhat, but never completely? I dunno, maybe I'm being too cynical about big companies.

We are watching documentaries on 9/11 in two of my subjects in school. I sort of...well, I hate it. The documentaries achieve their purpose, I feel shocked and saddened and angry and sick. I don't like those feelings. I sort of already felt that way about these documentaries aren't changing my position are they really worth it? Too judgemental?

I feel sad tonight. Well, realistically, I feel sad most nights. I sometimes think I might have a mild form of depression or something. I haven't seen anyone, so my melodrama as being the cause is a perfectly legitimate theory. But sometimes I think that surely it's not normal to be sad all the time. I do want to be happy, I just...find it really difficult. I kind of constantly feel like my heart is breaking, for no reason. It's stupid.


p.s. It's holidays but it doesn't feel like it. I feel like a funeral.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Quizzy McGee!

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have Fun!!!

1. What is your name: Megan
2. A four Letter Word: Meal
3. A boy's Name: Mark
4. A girl's Name: Molly
5. An occupation: Medicinal Herbalist
6. A colour: Magenta
7. Something you wear: Maxi Dress
8. A food: Meat (ewie)
9. Something found in the bathroom: Mirror
10. A place: Melbourne
11. A reason for being late: Mardi Gras Parade
12. Something you shout: MINE!
13. A movie title: Matilda
14. Something you drink: Milk
15. A musical group: MGMT
16. An animal: Monkey
17. Street Name: Mulberry Drive
18. Name of car: Mazda

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Living on a Prayer

Hello hello!

My poor darling bloggy woggy, have you been a bit neglected? SUCK IT UP AND TAKE IT LIKE A MAN! (Careful readers will note that that is the second time my blog has been given male attributes.)

Actually, that reminds me, my Extension English (a bit like AP English, I would assume?) teacher is a bit of a Quirrell. She's a bit...inept and takes that out by being aggressive. We were having a bit of a bitch about all of the work we had to do and she said, "well, that's what year twelve is like, so I think you all need to have a can of harden up!" We were like, "Um..."

I then responded the next day by placing a can of the soft-drink '7 Up' on her desk. After artfully replacing the '7' with 'Harden' of course :) She was not amused. We were in stitches.

Today was the first day of our big senior examinations. It works a bit strangely in my state. Term three is the hardest term and it is the one that counts the most for your overall grade. Which, is this term. Aside from the actual subject exams that I have next week, today and tomorrow are basically a series of four exams. I guess they're kind of akin to the SAT but your individual mark doesn't affect you. What it does is the marks from these tests affect the subjects you do. If you're in subjects with people who do better on the tests, you do better. Vice versa for doing worse. Secondly, the combined mark for your school places your school as compared to other schools. So, your school does well then all of the marks of the people in your grade are pushed up. Again, vice versa if you do badly.

It's a pretty big deal to the school as well. If the school does well on the tests, the whole reputation of the school is pushed up. Schools get listed according to their overall results and these tests are a huge part of that. My school is usually in the top ten in the State so they take it very seriously. The main reason that I haven't been posting much this term is because this has been the CRAZIEST term. Especially the past two weeks, they've been insane. For the past two weeks, I've had an assignment due every day. Now I have these tests, joy.

It's been okay though, I've lived so far. Now I've only got the remaining two tests, an assignment and three exams! Then next term is pretty cruisy because most of the work has been sent off so it's hard to do significantly better or worse and people rarely change grades. I'm so excited. After my exam block, by the end of next week, I will be kind of free! I think I'll only have one assignment for each of my six subjects and another three exams before I'm DONE!!!!!!

Speaking of, I should probably go type up some notes for my upcoming exams and like...finish the chapters I was meant to have done several weeks ago for maths. Le sigh.



Oh, I forgot to mention why this post was called Living on a Prayer. The next bit is 'we're halfway there', and I'm halfway through those tests :P

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Teenage Wasteland

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a truly emo blog post. Now my life is pretty happy and shiny. I have two or three bad days but it’s so much better. Then I sort of wonder if I had depression. I mean, maybe I was just regularly sad, but I’m overdramatizing it. Who knows? All I can say is that I’m glad I don’t feel that way anymore. It’s nice that now I’ve just got that overwhelming need to write. So much of my love for writing is demolished in the process of thinking about whether people will like what I’m reading. So now I’m just writing entirely for me and I think that that can only be a good thing.

I have no idea how other people can post every day and still have some funny or witty anecdote to share. My life isn’t nearly that interesting, for sure. And yet, I still feel the need to post about it. I guess it’s just that desperate need for connection and validation.

Yay, my friend from high school who moved across the country is online on msn. I haven’t spoken to her in weeks, I’ve been so busy. I mean, technically, I should be busy now because currently on Monday I have three drafts and an assignment due and an oral to do. But I’m not working because I’m just chilling and watching the AFL on the TV.

I thought I should update my lovely friend in the blogosphere, he has been a bit neglected. The fact that I have apparently turned my blog into a sentient being who is male should not be mentioned.

My life is good though. It’s so much better than I could have imagined when I was like semi-suicidal (can you be semi-suicidal?) like two years ago. Not because of anything or anyone particularly but just because I decided it was awesome. And it is now.


(I’m a bit excited.)

Leaving you now,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

21 Forever

Recently I was inspired by Maggie on her blog to scour through the entire contents of the Forever 21 website. In total copycat style, I will post my favourite items. I set myself a $150 (Australian) limit, which is around $125 U.S. This is so I actually have half a chance of buying it. Though, with shipping, it's around $200 (Aus) anyway. However, without further ado, here are my faves:

I just loved the colours of this dress! It looks like it could be really cute in summer but with some tights and a leather jacket, also hot for winter.

I have been pining after this Bowie shirt ever since I saw it well over a year ago! I love the colours and the cut and most of all: IT'S BOWIE!

This, I absolutely adore! I just think it would work really well for adding a bit of colour to an otherwise bland outfit (I wear a lot of black haha). It also adds a bit of girly to a t-shirt combo (though if I do happen to get this, I will have to wear it with leggings, I'm thinking. I haven't bought clothes from Forever 21 since my last trip to America, but while there I learnt that the things that fitted me in my body or around my hips were way too short for my legs. So, leggings time!)

These are just perfect. I already have a pair of heart-shaped glasses but they're see-through and pink. So this would make a more dramatic statement and I love the black patterning on them as well!

I love this. It has the potential to be a bit grungy (if paired with the skirt below) or cute and fun (if paired with the skirt above). Plus...I love England!

I just think this skirt would work in so many ways. I think it looks a bit frumpy in the picture but I can sort of plan heaps of outfits around it in my mind, and for me that's what makes a great piece of clothing.

I love these boots so much! I've been looking for a slouchy ankle boot for so long and these are absolutely perfect.

This shirt was just too cute to pass up. The dinosaur is adorable! *squee*

Last, but not least, I am just obsessed with these hats. I have a hard time wearing them with my fringe (bangs) but I think that if I swept it back it could look really cute.

So those are my fashion insights!


Thursday, August 6, 2009


I've had a really bad day.
I mean, on the surface of things, it may not seem bad.
But it was.
I mean, I'm more stressed than I've ever been in my life at the moment, and I'm sure that that's not helping.
But it sucked, big time.

I looked terrible this morning.
I have to do an assignment tonight that I've barely started and it's totally stressing me out. I HAVE NO FARKIN IDEA ABOUT IT!
My friends and I tried out for our school's talent show and completely failed at life.

I wrote an hypothesis for a girl in my english class because she was having serious trouble with the assignment (the same one that I have to do tonight) and she showed the teacher who didn't really like it. I mean, she did, but she mentioned some things that she thought should be changed. I felt so horrible, I was no help at all! The girl said she was really grateful but I felt awful.

Kay, so, also, my Dad lives in a town requiring a plane trip to get to from my house. I haven't spoken to him since I saw him at the end of last year. His girlfriend texted me to call him and my sister told me last night that he wanted to hear from me. But I just...haven't. And I don't know why! I don't want to, for some reason. Add to that that my Graduation dinner is soonish and I don't know if I'm going to ask him to come. I want him there but if he says that he doesn't want to, it would make me feel so much worse than if I'd just never asked.

I have an english extension assignment due soon and I don't even know what I'm going to do it on. I have no farkin idea.

Plus my friend was really stressed because she has a maths c assignment due tomorrow that she doesn't know how to do. I didn't realise this and said something snappy to her and she got really angry at me. She forgave me eventually though. I also helped her get an extension on her english assignment though, so I'm glad she only has her maths to worry about now.

I felt so helpless. I'm terrible at maths and it was the only thing that I needed to be good at. I wanted to help her so badly but I couldn't. I'm useless.

I kind of want to cry.

I saw my best friend, who I never see, today. It was only for like half an hour and we didn't really get to talk. I was there with my other friend and her sister (who is my best friend's girlfriend). They were going to give both of us a lift home but then the sisters realised that there were too many people. I offered to catch a bus but it was eventually decided that my best friend would catch a bus to his house. I feel horrible. I wanted to catch a bus, I mean, if he weren't there I would have gladly gotten in the car but I would have felt much better. But like boyfriend of sister beats friend of other sister. I mean, admittedly, I sort of live near them and he doesn't but like...ARGH. I also didn't hug him before he left. I was putting my stuff in the car and he was saying goodbye to his girlfriend. I wanted to give them their moment together but then I just got in the car because...I don't know.

I didn't really want to be with anyone but of course I did because I hate being alone. And I did want a hug, I really did. I need a hug right now, tbh. I feel like swearing too, but I'm not going to, because this is potentially on the internet for forever.

Plus my mum left for Fiji today and as lame as it is I kind of miss her already.

So now I'm left sitting in the dark, listening to Placebo and feeling sorry for myself.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

100 Things That Will Make Me Me

1. silver, glittery nailpolish
2. Mickey Mouse ears
3. random dance parties
4. shaped sunnies
5. Plato's Republic and The Communist Manifesto
6. charity work
7. navy nailpolish
8. green tea
9. culture/politics/world news podcasts + philosophy podcasts
10. red wine
11. walks in the park on overcast and rainy days
12. getting enough sleep
13. coffee
14. neon accessories
15. black nailpolish
16. regular exercise
17. orange + purple pens
18. leather jackets
19. red nailpolish
20. electronica
21. red-bound notebooks
22. meditation
23. Nylon Magazine
24. rave parties
25. folk music
26. writing every day
27. rock shows
28. alternative music
29. patterned stockings
30. screamo/hardcore rock
31. constant smiles
32. leopard-print coat
33. rnb/hip hop
34. red lipstick
35. graphic t-shirts/t-shirt dresses
36. black boots
37. vegetarian
38. colours
39. Guitar Hero
40. silver jewellry
41. punk
42. black
43. glittery mascara
44. studded accessories
45. pop
46. plaid
47. glitter
48. corsets
49. love for everyone, always
50. dreams + ideas
51. living independently
52. knee-high socks
53. tea
54. stripes
55. headbands + hats + hair accessories
56. originality
57. animal print
58. anything shiny
59. coloured/patterned leggings
60. polka dots
61. love hearts
62. tattoos
63. poker
64. stars
65. shopping
66. rock
67. vintage clothes
68. brightly-coloured ballet flats
69. reading
70. messy hair
71. Hello Kitty
72. gel pens
73. eyeliner
74. NaNoWriMo
75. hide and go seek
76. friends
77. english television shows
78. youtube
79. irresponsibility
80. lip gloss
81. glasses
82. hyper-emotion
83. wordplay
84. canonical literature
85. knowing someone everywhere
86. nose stud
87. desire
88. late nights and even later mornings
89. london calling
90. family
91. energy
92. robots
93. blogs
94. wit
95. Harry Potter
96. imagination
97. freedom
98. The Chronicles of Narnia
99. Rolling Stone Magazine
100. FUN!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If Blogs Aren't for Quizzes then I'm in Serious Trouble

Haha, the title for this sounds like an old Panic at the Disco song.

I got this quiz from the awesome blog The Perks of Being a Wallflower (which is also my favourite book) and I believe that the blogger from there got this quiz from facebook somewhere??


Were you happy when you woke up?
Um, yeah. I generally wake up happy.

Do you plan on moving in the next year?
I wish. I could move out of home and live with people but I'm poor.

Is there one guy/girl you will always have feelings for?
I think I'll always have feelings for the 'idea' of him.

When was the last time someone called you cute or hot?
Last night *rolls eyes*

Any summer plans for 2009?
Summer 2008/2009 has already ended for me. I don't have any plans for next summer though, either.

Have you ever quoted a line from a movie?
I do it, like, incessantly.

Still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school?
Yes, but only the ones that go to my high school.

Who was the last person you talked to in person today?
My sister

When someone says "we need to talk" what do you think?
Nothing bad, I've never had a bad "we need to talk".

Do you stay up later than 10 PM on a week night?

How did you get your last bruise?
I get bruises constantly and I never know what they're from. I have a prominent one on my forehead from nearly knocking myself out on a cabinet.

At this very moment, what are you doing?
Writing this blog post??

Did you enjoy the movie Twilight?
I did actually, but I have the worsdt taste in movies ever, so I am by no means an indicator of good taste.

Could you survive the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
But some of it's really yummy! I could live the rest of my life without getting drunk??

Are you good at giving directions?
No, I'm shocking. I never know where I am or how to get where I'm going.

Could you survive without electricity?

What time did you get up this morining?
This morning?? 3 p.m. baby! I go to sleep in the a.m. and wake up in the p.m.

What time did you go to sleep? 6 a.m.

How often do you drink energy drinks?
I've never had one but I've always wondered if I should.

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Always. People my age and younger than me usually suck.

Are you waiting for something?
Er...not really.

Are girls too dramatic?
You can never be too dramatic.

Have you learned any life lessons?
Not really.

Do you ever think "what if"?
Yes, but only for future events, never past. Like I'll only go, "what if x event happened in the future?" not "what if x event had/hadn't happened in my past?"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Late Night Television

Okay, so it's currently around 2 a.m. I never realised how long infomercials are! Oh, and you know what else I wonder? Why do they have ads in the middle of something which is basically just an extended advertisement itself? It seems a bit counter-intuitive. Also, why is it that all of these anti-aging products are endorsed/created by washed up American soapie stars? Can they find no one else who will possibly sell their product? Plus, how many middle-aged women [who I'm assuming are the target audience for these anti-aging products] are watching the television at 2 a.m.?? I think the main people who are watching television at this time are bored teenagers like me and sex fiends.

OH! And the amount of sex ads that are on at this time is simply astounding. 1) The girls aren't that attractive and 2) You're not really 'getting lucky' with a girl [WHO BY THE WAY YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE!!! SHE COULD BE A FUGLY COW AND YOU'D NEVER KNOW. In fact, I bet the odds are that most sexline operators are ugly or they could get work in stripping or porn.] if you've never met her, will never meet her and will really only get to hear her moan half-heartedly while she wonders if it's time to leave yet.

Anyway, that's my late night (early morning) post with my observations of television. It's a funny thing.


Friday, June 26, 2009

MY Happiness Project

I've been an avid reader of Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project blog for a while now. However, it never occurred to me until tonight that I would like to undertake my own happiness project. Naturally, I will be recording my progress here. Like Gretchen (I feel a bit funny calling her by her first name, I don't actually know her hehe) I will write my happiness commandments.


1. Love myself
2. Send and recieve love
3. Shimmer and shake
4. Be the fun
5. Let it go
6. Live the bigger life
7. See beauty everywhere
8. Be free

Some of these (and the inspiration for most of them) were taken from this post of Gretchen's and the comments to the post.

I am also going to be writing resolutions. These are kind of kin to the commandments, but they are more quantifiable. They're things that I can be graded on, almost.


1. Get enough sleep
This is quite important to me as I rarely sleep the advised eight hours a night. I have noticed, though, how much happier and nicer to be around I am when I have had those hours.

2. Wear fun clothes and/or colourful nailpolish at all times
I like this because not only will doing this remind me of my commandment to shimmer and shake, it also encourages me to see the fun in what I'm doing. It's also hard to feel unhappy with electric blue nailpolish or bright and fun clothing on :)

3. Compliment five people every day
This is tied in with my commandment 'send and recieve love'. I love being praised and I want to pass that happy feeling onto others.

4. Make time for activities that will make you happy
There are things, like reading my favourite books, which give me the same lingering smile as overcast weather or hot chocolate. I want to make more time for these simple pleasures in my life in the pursuit of my larger goals.

5. Actively remember the good times by keeping a diary
In addition to this, I will also be beginning a one-sentence journal (as per Ms. Rubin's idea). I think this is a great way to record my life and the events or thoughts in it that mean something to me without feeling the pressure of writing a thousand words every day.

6. Make a happiness scrapbook
I'm going to create a book that whenever I'm feeling blue I'll see pictures and quotes and tickets/whatever else to instantly lift me up again. I already keep all of the items which I associate with happy memories in shoe boxes but I want to make an easily accessible way to view these all at once for a concentrated exposure to bliss.

7. Eat healthily and exercise
This contributes to my overall wellbeing. As a vegetarian, I already watch what I eat a bit but I know that I definitely need to be doing more to make sure I'm getting all of the nutrients that I need. I also need to exercise more to become a healthier, and consequently happier, person.

8. Stand up straight and smile
I'm quite a tall girl and as a result of being quite self-conscious about this for a while I've developed terrible posture. I want to rectify this by standing up straighter and smiling more.

I might add more resolutions to this list as time goes on but in the mean time, that's it. (Can you tell that eight is my favourite number?) I'm quite excited about this project. I think it will be really beneficial for me.


P.S. I'm just going to write a quick love note to sparkly and glittery nailpolish. I love it so much, it never fails to make me happy. Mwah!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Things I Know

Well, to be honest, I don't really know all that much. Which is why I'm undertaking a project (which I *think* I've invented??). The project shall be called 'The Things I Know'. The basic premise is to ask everyone I know for something that they know. It could be meaningful or silly or useful.

For example, with the aid of this project, I've recently found out that the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz misquotes Pythagorus' Theorem, he says it is for an isocoles triangle, not a right-angled one. Where else would you find gems like that? Although, I'm not totally convinced it's either meaningful or useful :P

My friend Lulu maintains that in all of her years of wisdom, a person's core never changes. She then further poses the question, "is that cynical or optimistic?" Interesting stuff, folks. She also knows that, "to feel happy, one must only listen to Ray Charles". Or this beauty from another friend, "true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing". I'm assuming thats a quote from someone but it's still a cool sentiment. (He's just informed me that it was Socrates).

There are things that I already know. Things I've learnt from books and movies and just real life. The cheesy movie 'Chasing Liberty', which is about a President's daughter who runs away through Europe with a hunky Englishman, features the quote, "The things that you're afraid of are usually the most rewarding." Or something to that effect, anyway. I'm inclined to agree.

I know that the world is most beautiful when the stars come out.
I know that little events aren't the end of the world but it's fun to pretend like they are.
I know that waiting in lines is more entertaining if you think about who could be a celebrity from behind.
I know that not wanting to kiss someone probably means that you shouldn't be together.
I know that to be truly happy is to see beauty everywhere.
I know that the right song at the right time can heal a broken heart.
I know that smiling is the easiest way to feel happy.
I know that everyone is stunning in their own way.
I know that happiness can be a battle but you're always the better for it.
I know that sucking on ice cubes can cure the hiccups.
I know that the rules aren't always right.
I know that living in your own world isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I know that people change. (See the contrast between my friend's views and mine?)
I know that sometimes dreams are more important than reality.

What do you know?


Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm Not Dead

I'm not Eminem *random*.

This blog post is coming to you in eight parts. It's going to be like a good gumbo, full of everything that's not enough of a meal on its own but when added together = deliciousness.

Firstly on the agenda: Love. I has none. Rawr. Oh well, I think my little broken heart will bleed and maybe make me better. It worked in the Middle Ages?? Uuh...

Secondly: Music. I've not gone myspace scouting in a while, so my new music playlist is woefully lacking. Any recs would be totally appreciated. I'm very into sort of like...spacy-electro?? Think MGMT, Empire of the Sun etc. I'd also like some nineties grunge, a touch of modern day cutesy-pop, some fifties bop (a genre??) and a little bit of seventies folk. Any help with those would make me love you like ice-cream.

Thirdly: Fashion! Oh fashion. I've been on a total clothes kick lately (despite, not buying any...), meaning that I've been totally focused on them. It's winter here atm, so it's kind of like Fall fashion in America which is my absolute *favourite*. Some trends I immediately want to buy into:

* leather jacket
* plaid dresses
* tweed coat
* black ankle-boot heels
* boater hat (though, that's always on my list and isn't particularly wintery)
* ankle-length overalls (no one has them!)
* printed t-shirts and printed t-shirt dresses
* skinny jeans (I don't know how I've managed to avoid this thus far, I've never owned a pair)
* fifties hats
* imitation leather leggings

(There are more but I won't bore you further :P)

Fourthly (?): Writing. I'm writing a new story at the moment and I'm really excited about it. It's a perfect time actually, I've just gotten on holidays so I'll have a heap of time. I'm kind of looking for an over-arching human theme to write about but I don't really know. Love? Revenge? Power? All very cliche. The mind boggles.

Fifthly: Reading. Along that vein, I'd like to sing the praises of a wonderful author. I've read her for years (so has everyone else, I'm sure) but my shameful little pleasure: Tamora Pierce. I lovelovelove her books (and they're ridiculously quick to read). After introducing my friend to them I've been a bit obsessive about the series' recently (The Circle Series' [serieses, serii??] are my faves). I've been reading them instead of studying for my exams. Oopsie.

Sixthly: Magazines. Another overdone and expected rec but Nylon Magazine. I adore it, I love the fashion editorials and the articles and the interviews and just everything about it makes my heart skip a couple thousand beats. It makes me feel gooier than an uncooked cake, I promise you. My friend also wants me to read Teen Vogue but I am unconvinced. Is it any good? Further recs for Rolling Stone, duh, and Frankie Magazine. Frankie is an Australian magazine but its stuffed with whimsy and makes me want to dress up in florals and pearls and host a tea party.

Seventhly: Friends. My friends have been awesome lately. A new girl has joined our group recently, despite it being our senior year, after having a long and rather sticky fight with one of the groups that we're closest to. It will be interesting to see how this goes. I both do and don't hope she brings drama to the group. I'm a bit bored, I'll be honest but I find negativity as distressing as anyone else. Oh, and I'm still convinced that I won't be friends with the friend who I'd been having problems with when I go to uni but I think we're both happier for the thought.

Eightly (my favourite number! I have to leave it here now, even if I wasn't planning on doing it before hehe): Me. Self-obsessed, I know, but why would I have this blog if I weren't. I'm pretty good. I don't even want to think about the grades I've been getting, but luckily I don't have to until I get my report card. I bought The Sims 3 the other day, I'm not entirely sure it's better than The Sims 2. I haven't been playing it tooooooo much though. That said, I've spent at least nine hours playing it. Eh, *shrug*. Things that make me happy now:

* buying coloured cds instead of the plain silver ones
* Nylon!!
* thai food for dinner
* The Mighty Book of Boosh (<3!!!)
* holidayssss
* electric blue nailpolish
* Breakfast at Tiffanys
* Wild Child (facepalm)
* green tea ice-cream

There's something appealing about flouting the regular conventions of grammar and writing everything in lower case. perhaps i'll be like e.e. cummings from now on. i dunno, i just like the way it looks. i apparently, though, cannot give up my beloved commas and apostrophes. eh, i think i'll see you next post with significantly better grammar.


Monday, May 18, 2009


The glittering sheen of the ballroom was making me feel sick. The smell of sickly-sweet treats burnt my nostrils and I fought the need to sneeze. Perspiration collected on my top lip. I was terrified that the swollen salty drop would roll down, down, down the curve of my lips and drip down onto my chin. My immobilising dress grew around me like a taffeta flower, its prickly thorns shooting bolts of pain up my stockinged legs. The boastful throaty jests of the men and the women’s trilling gave the impression of birds trapped in a golden cage. My dried mouth felt sour and thick in the stifling heat. The scene sprawled below me, spilling out in a wave from the tall room into the dark garden. It was only a thin layer of the balustrade wood that held me from the storey below.


I don't really know where I'm going with that story haha.

Here's something to think about:
I think a truly happy person is one who can see beauty in everything.

I don't even remember who took that photo, argh, I suck haha.

On the plus side, I've just decided to not worry about things. I feel so much happier like straight away. It's wonderful.


Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 36
Mental Slaps Today: 4

Friday, May 15, 2009


BEDHAM is overrrr! This was way harder than I expected, especially the past fifteen days without the hype that surrounds BEDA. But I did it(sort of)!

I am going to my mother daughter dinner and getting my hair cut tomorrow. That's exciting for me because I am going to finally have nicer hair! Yippee yah yah!

I can honestly say that with all of the crap that has been going on in my life right now, this is a super good time for this to be over. I will be able to not have as much stress in my life!!

I think I'm being a bit harsh on the old BEDHAM, I have enjoyed doing it. Especially due to my BEDA buddies, whom I heartily thank.

I will probably be blogging fairly sporadically from now on. Hey, saying sporadically has just made me think of Clueless which I watched the other day. I'll admit, I'm a tiny bit like Cher (but less rich haha). I am also completely in love with Paul Rudd. He's super sexy.

I have enjoyed blogging every day, it's been good practice for writing every day. I hope that wherever/whoever you are you're having a great time :)


Kg's to Goal: 5
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 36
Mental Slaps Today: 3

Thursday, May 14, 2009

David Bowie and Queen

Mm ba ba de
Um bum ba de
Um bu bu bum da de
Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure - that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets
Um ba ba be
Um ba ba be
De day da
Ee day da - that's o.k.
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow - gets me higher
Pressure on people - people on streets
Day day de mm hm
Da da da ba ba
Chippin' around - kick my brains around the floor
These are the days it never rains but it pours
Ee do ba be
Ee da ba ba ba
Um bo bo
Be lap
People on streets - ee da de da de
People on streets - ee da de da de da de da
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow - gets me higher high high
Pressure on people - people on streets
Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
but it's so slashed and torn
Why - why - why ?
Love love love love love
Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance
Why can't we give love that one more chance
Why can't we give love give love give love give love
give love give love give love give love give love
'Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

No time

I don't really have much time at all to type this. Like, fifteen minutes.

I am, actually, finishing a Hamlet assignment as we speak. It's a bit more difficult than I thought it would be but it is still proving manageable, so that's good.

I had a big talk with the friend who has depression, that made things a little better I think.

It was my unofficial school birthday today, I had cake in P.C. and was allowed to pay out my P.C. teacher with no pay out payback, I pay him out all the time anyway.

I'm so tired right now. I can kind of sleep really well and anywhere but recently I've been waking up with the impression that I've been having a nightmare even though I can't remember what it was about. It's really weird.


Kg's to Goal: Unknown
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 37
Mental Slaps Today: 52

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day in Australia. I'm not entirely sure when it is everywhere else. I gave my mummy an ABBA cd. She enjoyed it lol. She made us listen to it on repeat as we were going to and from brunch.

I know I didn't post for like the past two days. I'm sorry! I've been sooo busy though. I couldn't post for all of Friday because it was my birthday and like straight after school my friends came over for a sleepover. It was so fun though! I got a really good swag of presents, if I do say so myself. I got a laptop, a 120 gig iPod (I named it Alexander), like ten dvds, a new dressing gown, a large amount of gift certificates from my friends, a cute toy robot, some awesome silver ribbed tights, two necklaces, the Skins season 1 soundtrack and some other stuff. I am quite pleased. I haven't actually tried out my new laptop yet haha, I'm really slack.

I got a bit sad on my birthday though. I was kind of hyper-emotional. I nearly cried because my cheesecake had wildberry sauce on it and I'd forgotten that one of my friends (the ex-best friend) was allergic to raspberries. She ate it and it was fine though, thank God. We played truth or dare and that was fun, it would have been more fun if we had boys there though. We also played 'I Never' which yielded some interesting revelations from the people in the group. We also watched 'Wild Child' and collectively swooned over Alex Pettyfer (?? I don't actually know if that's his name and I am way too lazy to look it up).

I was a bit...insecure on my birthday. I sort, there's a lot of stuff going on in my life right now. One of my friends who has depression is sort of relapsing and a new girl has joined my group (that by itself isn't really anything, it's just because I sort of feel uncomfortable and we have to re-adjust the group dynamics around her) and stuff is just going on. I sort of want like...someone to rely on or someone I can trust to talk to but I don't really have that. As I don't have a best friend in my group, I don't have that there and the person who I used to talk to is the one who is battling depression. So, I'm sort of more focused on being there for them. I feel like I can't complain or talk to that person anymore, because obviously their problems are worse than mine. I dunno...I can't really confide in anyone, which is weird for someone like me who is used to telling everyone everything. I guess there's nothing I can do about it though.

I kind of want a's nice to have that bond with someone, you know? I think that just having a really good friend would be enough though.

I don't really have anything else to say.


Kg's to Goal: x
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 36
Mental Slaps Today: 13

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yippee Yah Yah

It's my birthday tomorrow! I'll never be sixteen again *tear*.

Some exciting things that happened while I was sixteen:

1. Semi-formal (like a junior prom??)

2. Guitar Hero...'nuff said

3. Thinking I was truly beautiful for the first time

4. First time being drunk!!

5. End of year eleven

6. Beginning of year twelve

7. Duxed english in my grade

8. Starred in a friend's film that got shown at a film awards ceremony

9. Volunteering at a local charity.

10. Formal!!

Speaking of, here is a picture of my date and I:

I am sixteen, going on seventeen!
Kg's to Goal: 5
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 35
Mental Slaps Today: 14

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dandelion Seed

I was considering just skipping this day but because I actually remembered about doing my blog post, I think I should write something. I don't have anything to say, so here's a poem!

Dandelion Seed

Find me,
Catch me floating,
Find me,
Look, look at your prize,

Speak to me,
Tell me everything,
Speak to me,
Whisper me your dreams,

Blow me away,
Purse your lips,
Blow me away,
Dance with me freely,

Push me,
Break me apart,
Push me,
See me scattered always,

Let me go,
Watch me soar,
Let me go,
Fly away from you.



Kg's to Goal: 6 (shdions)
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 34
Mental Slaps Today: 6

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm a bad person!

It was the friend who I am having problems with's birthday today but I made a card for someone else who's birthday it is :$ I am going to buy Problem Friend a birthday present though, so I think that makes it somewhat better??

I also don't particularly want to call my father even though he left me a sweet message asking me what I'd like for my birthday. I hate talking to people on the phone, I never have anything to talk about with him, it will be super awkward and I don't really feel much of a connection to him since he moved away. Shrug. I guess I'll have to, even though it's probably a bit late now.

I'm having a whole bagful of emotional issues and stresses, I am contemplating throwing myself off a ferris wheel -_- Just kidding, but you know...ARGH!

I'm going to go.


Kg's to Goal: Unknown
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 34
Mental Slaps Today: 34

Monday, May 4, 2009

Insert Creative Title Here


So, today I helped my Mum by moving a MASSIVE pile of branches and offcuts into a skip. I thought I was going to die because my iPod is broken (fingers crossed for a new one on my birthday), R.I.P. George. I listen to my iPod allllll the time so it's been hard for these past few weeks where I haven't had one. Anyway, I thought that the mindlessness of moving branches etc. was going to numb me into nothingness but I survived it by pretending it was a challenge on the Amazing Race. It was quite fun after that :P

I still have to finish my MHI assignment (I haven't even started editing it yet!!!). It was so annoying in class though, because my teacher always tries to make us change our hypothesis based on what she thinks. It isn't meant to be like that, you're supposed to be graded on how well you present evidence to support your hypothesis, not how well your view lines up with hers. Last time I did actually change my hypothesis, however, this time I have decided not to. That means that I have to do double the research to anyone else though to convince her that I know what I'm talking about.

I still can't really talk about the formal because I'm still pictureless, but here are some statistics for you about the night.

Friends in Party: 15
Friends in Limo 1: 10
Friends in My Limo: 5
Courses in Meal: 3
Deliciousness of Food: 0.5 Pizzas
Songs Danced To: 42
Songs Sat Out (Including Dinner): 31
Total Girls Drunk: 32%
Total Boys Drunk: 40%
Pictures Taken: 0 (my camera broke!)
Times Proposed To: 1 (I was Juliet when Love Story by Taylor Swift came on because I had a white dress, hence, I got proposed to :P)
Number of Drinks of Coke Spilt On My Dress: 1
Fun Had: 10000000000 Gigawatts


Kg's to Goal: 5
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 34
Mental Slaps Today: 3

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Urban Dictionary Meme

I might talk about the formal more when I have pictures, but it was so awesome :)

Anyway, for this meme, what you do is search your name in Urban Dictionary and show your fave definitons :). It was invented by JohnnyDurham19 on Youtube. Here we go!

Megan (n): A mean, catty girl. This girl does not have to be named Megan for it is a nickname or insult describing a girl who likes to steal boyfriends, crushes and 99% of all straight guys in the area. Perfect looking, tons of friends, and everyone loves (but secretly hates) her.
Girl 1: Oh MY GOD. Cindy was so awful on the ski trip. She was flirting with Ryan and James! Girl 2: Wow. Shes being a total Megan.
[Not true :P]

Megan (n): Some slob that thinks she is the shit, when really she looks like shit. They think they know everything, but again they know nothing. They sound like retards when they talk, they are VERY annoying. Only thinks about themselves, not very good parents, likes to start shit but never finishes it. Sometimes megans look like a man.
"Who is that on the pole out there?"
"Who else would it be but Megan?"
[Also untrue haha]

Megan (n): A girl who is not afriad to say whats on her mind. She is musically involved, smart, funny, and is beutiful. She can be a heart-breaker, so watch out! She does not believe in animal cruelty and usually is a vegetarian. Because of her abillity to give great advice, she is everyone's friend and everyone loves her.
Just ask Megan, she'll know what to do.
[This one's true :P]

Megan (v): An action taken which results in complete failure.
I tried to catch that frisbee but I totally pulled a Megan and messed it up.

Megan (n): The coolest girl you'll ever meet. Amazing, beautiful and flawless. She can kick your ass in just about everything, but she will only prove this if you really bug her. Megans are usually pretty smart and street-wise and they know what they're talking about (most of the time).
"Oh my god man, how did you get that pool cue stuck up there?!"
"I told Megan she was wrong, and that I was better than her at pool.."
"Oh right... You don't know her well at all, do you...?"
[True :P :P]

Megan (n): A tall and lean brunette who always is the weirdest out of the group who listens to the music nobody has ever heard of but then it comes in style. Makes drastic desicions... can make everyone laugh in an awkward situation. Is very music involved and is smart beyond belief. Likes guys but is too afraid to talk to them and puts her friends before herself.
I has no example. Rawr.
[This one is like...scarily accurate :P]

Megan (n): A girl that is very stubborn but at the same time can be the greatest friend on the planet. She loves pizza and is absolutley gorgeous. She is loved by everybody and is fucking hilarious!
Neither do I :(
[This one is also quite true.]

Megan (n): A person who only eats meat.
Person 1: "Hey I'm Vegan!"
Person 2: "Hey I'm Megan!"
[It's funny because I'm vegetarian :P]

Megan (n): Megans are usually very good at keeping secrets but usually tend to speak their mind. They keep too much themselves and have many secrets to their past. Easily annoyed and open minded. Is very daring and hardly ever afraid of anyone or anything. Very bold. Opinionated. Good to animals. Can be self concious. Liked by everyone and is always there for her friends. Strong on the inside. Is more focused on other things than relationships with men, but liked by many of them even though they are usually single. Good arguer and they hate drama. Very stubborn and relentless. Does exactly what they want, and can break hearts. Usually born in the winter or spring. Can make anyone laugh and they are very, very, smart. Does not realize their own beauty, but very beautiful inside and out.
Megans are a one of a kind and many guys would be lucky to have them.
[This one is also quite true.]

Megan (v): The act of jumping from tall buildings with parachute pants and often times an umbrella.
"Man, she just meganed off that roof!"
[This one is my fave I think]

Anyway, have a nice indiscriminate-time-period!!


Kg's to Goal: 5
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 34
Mental Slaps Today: 5

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I thought that the 'Special Extra Post' for the day before yesterday had been posted after midnight and so it could count to be my post for yesterday and not special or extra at all. Turns out it was like at 11:30. Doh! The latter half of BEDHAM is turning out well as you can see. Not.

It's my formal tonight so I'm really excited. I'm also quite nervous and I don't really know why. Whoosh, breathe in and out. I'm considering composing a schedule for everything that I need to do today, but I think that might stress me out. It's my senior prom! That always seems like such a big deal in American movies but formals are like soooo not taken as seriously here as they are in America. Then again, Australians like never take anything seriously...except sport.
Just a quick note: I'm actually sixteen and on the eighth of May I'll be turning seventeen. In Australia, you spend the majority of your senior year being seventeen, not eighteen like in America. It would be disastrous! Because the legal drinking age here is eighteen, no one would ever get anything done lol!

My hands are kind of shaking...I think I'm stressing myself out :P It's Labour Day on Monday! I'm really glad it's a long weekend this weekend (it's Saturday today) because I have an assignment due on Tuesday and basically today and tomorrow have been written off so I need some time to do it.

I might also mention that we don't get special allowance for it being 'prom weekend' or anything at my school because the formal isn't associated with the school. Aaaages ago, like twenty or thirty years ago at the last school formal, one fateful guy fatefully puked on some princess-twit's VERY EXPENSIVE dress. She decided to sue the school for negligence. So, we don't have them 'officially' anymore.

But one of the parents in the year always organises it. I think it's better like this actually because like it means that you can take whoever you want. Like, I go to an all-girls Catholic school right? So if you were a lesbian and wanted to take a girl, you wouldn't be allowed to. But since it's not done through the school you can take whoever you want. A lot of girls are actually just taking female friends of theirs because they feel like it, and that's allowed too.

See, my problem is that I didn't have ANYONE to take, being excluded from the male sex for a majority of the year doesn't really lend itself to great friendship opportunities. Luckily, one of my friends' older brother has a group of friends who wanted to come, so I'm taking one of them. We've hung out before so it's not going to be weird or anything hehe. I'm just a bit worried that he doesn't like me :( Oh well, he can deal, it's my formal so he can at least pretend hehe.

I dunno, do you guys in America have pre-formal parties? We do here, it's basically a very dignified event where all of the parents and children of a friendship group go to one person's house so they get to see everyone and take pictures with everyone. It's nice but it also means that your formal getting-ready time is reduced by about an hour and a half.

It was kind of sad actually, I don't know if getting fake tans before formals is big in America but it's HUGE here. Like, seriously, massive. All of the popular girls, and most of the un-popular girls, get it done. I don't because I think it looks horrendous. It very rarely looks good, like hardly EVER. I think most people look best with their natural skin colour, really. I mean, if you saw the pictures that I posted of my dress you'd know that I'm quite pale, but I like that. They nearly always look orange. The most depressing thing about it all was the crash diets that they're all going on! One of them has been only eating lemons for the past week, it's so unhealthy! The worst thing is that they know it's unhealthy but they just don't care.

I think it's strange how most people at the formal aren't going to look like themselves at all. They're all getting their hair dyed, they won't have their normal skin colour, their make-up will be all's weird. I want a very natural sort of look for my make-up and I want a messy bun for my hair. This is the picture that I'm taking to the hairdresser anyway:

Of course, it's going to have to be quite different because I have a fringe (bangs) that will need to be pulled back and I don't want it QUITE so messy, but that's the general feel that I'm after. I also sort of want like two or three smallish braids running back into bun, I think that would look nice. I'm also just doing my make-up myself whereas most people are getting it done. I'm pretty low-key about the whole thing, overall.

Anyway, I think I've bored you enough :P I should probably go and have breakfast and have a shower etc. before my hair app. Wish me luck!



Kg's to Goal: 5

Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 34

Mental Slaps Today: 2 (but it's very early in the day, remember that :P)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Special Extra Post!

So, I saw this on Johnny Durham's website and it looked so awesome that I wanted to try it :P

What you do is type in your answer to the following question into google images, pick a question from the first page and make a collage.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. What is your hometown?

4. What is your favorite color?

5. What is your favorite movie?

6. What is your favorite drink?

7. What is your dream vacation?

8. What is your favorite dessert?

9. What is one word to describe yourself?

10. How are you feeling right now?

11. What do you love most in the world?

12. What do you want to be when you grow up?


Today is my last official day of BEDA :(

I ist sad. Oh well, it's not really my last day (I think I'll be quite pleased then) but it is making me sad because it means the end of lovely daily blog posts to read from everyone. *sigh*

I mean, for such a momentous occasion, you'd think I'd have something to say...but I don't. I can't find a bag for the freakin' formal -_- It's annoying :P Also, it looks like my failure in my little tournament with Sean has come to nothing! Yay! Megan will not be held to stupid bets! Although, when I brought this up with him he said, "I'm waiting for the right moment." This has made me slightly nervous again.

Does anyone have any advice for making people feel better when they won't tell you what's wrong? I feel sort of useless :(

I might post a poem that I wrote :P

Flower Flower

Flower, flower,
The suns great power,
On your falling leaves does shine,
Oh flower flower, please be mine,

Flower, flower,
A cleansing shower,
Brightens greenly glistening leaves,
Oh flower flower, king of trees,

Flower, flower,
Beautiful tower,
Lightens earth with brightly coloured burst,
Oh flower flower, pick me first.

Yay! Poem :P


Kg's to Goal: 5
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 34
Mental Slaps Today: 25

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

But the Beat Goes On

So...I was like up until two this morning doing my modern draft haha. I'm a bit tired. It was a free dress day (we have a uniform, so every so often we get free-dress days where we pay a two dollar 'fine' and we get to wear our own clothes) at my school today and the theme was like 'international'. Most people sort of copped out (myself included, I just wore jeans and a hoodie with 'Canada' on it that I bought when I went there). However, my PC (home room) teacher went to Oxford, so he had on his schoolboy hat and blazer. It made me laugh so hard, he looked hilarious!!

This is random and I'm not even going to attempt a segway but apparently what men desire most in a relationship is to feel needed and women desire to feel cherished. I'm sort of thinking that maybe this is where the centuries of female oppression have been about. Subdue women, make them weaker and they will really need you haha. I'm half-kidding.

Life is:

Green tea
Staying up late
Friends having problems :(
Formal preparation
Being out of the loop
Fairy tales
A, A-, A


Kg's to Goal: 5 (see, I checked!)
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 33
Mental Slaps Today: 12

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today has been a mixed day. I recieved back results, one I was not at all happy with (maths), one I was quite happy with (modern history) and one I was on the fence about (economics).

I have a modern history draft due tomorrow that I haven't started, so I have to make this a short one. Today we had a performance of a theatre company who perform Shakespeare. Today they did excerpts from Macbeth, Hamlet and The Taming of the Shrew. One of the theatre dudes was totally hot, he reminded me of a young, and real, Snape. I was in love :P I've actually studied The Taming of the Shrew in drama before and we're studying Hamlet now in english. I performed excerpts from The Taming of the Shrew in drama and I am going to have to perform excerpts of Hamlet in english so it was really cool to see them performed today. I also got two new assignments today (english and english extension), so I'm not too happy about that, wah wah.

My mum also had parent teacher interviews tonight. She only talked to two of my teachers, my english teacher and my economics teacher because she wanted to meet them. My english teacher said I was the best student in her class, which I thought was a nice compliment. It surprised me actually, I thought she hated me haha. My economics teacher loves me, so he spent the time paying me out to my mother hehe.

Um, in good news I found my glasses that were lost yesterday. Actually, I went to Reception to ask about them and they were there. The creepy thing was that they had my name and year level on a note on them (my name isn't anywhere on the glasses or case). Someone knows what glasses I wear!!!

Erm, I can't really think of anything else to say and besides, my draft awaits! *groan*


Kg's to Goal: I fail, I will find this out, I promise
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 33
Mental Slaps Today: 14

Monday, April 27, 2009

Advice to the Youth - Twista Trip Feat. LaLa Brown

So, I performed my S.O.R. rap today. It was a contemporisation of the Biblical story 'Advice to a Young Man' in Ecclesiastes 11:8-12:9.

Here are the lyrics:

Uh, that’s right,
Twista Trip here with Miss LaLa Brown,
Take it away LaLa,

Apathetic on the sidelines we’re Generation Y,
Not caring about change and too messed up to try,
Gossiping about celebs when they join the Mile High,
‘Steada enjoying our lives, we try to look fly,

We feel so entitled but we’re still unhappy,
No one takes the time to sit and think and just be,
Texting friends and chatting with a computer screen,
With our office jobs and our friends on T.V.,

Looking at the world, we always flowing the hate,
No one now can see that our lives are pretty great,
We spend our time scrutinising LiLo’s best mate,
‘Steada chilling with homies before it’s too late,

Chorus x 2
While you’re young, you gotta help when you can do,
Don’t waste time thinking about Britney’s new tan fool,
You don’t wanna die and wanna do it again cool,
Love every moment has gotta be your new life’s rule,

Gotta stop starving, ‘steada Celebrity Slim,
Or spending 20 hundred on flashy new rims,
Can’t stop global warming without changing a thing,
When you got apathy and hate, nobody wins,

Get outta your cubicle and into the world,
Take a walk in the park, maybe meet a new girl,
Why don’t you seize the day, go on, give it a whirl,
Live every second and rejoice in them all,

[Singer Insert]
Live your life the way God asked you,
Respect all men, don’t matter who,
Lives are short, there’s lots to get through,
You’ve really got nothing to lose,

Why don’t you banish anxiety from your mind,
Leave all of your old regrets behind,
Know for all your actions, you’re gonna be repaid in kind,
Think of the love and happiness that you will find,

If all you believe in the Lord put your hands up,
You eat the bread and drink the wine from the cup,
Follow the ways of God, give him his due worship,
At the gates of Heaven, God’s gonna ask wassup?

Chorus x 2
While you’re young, you gotta help when you can do,
Don’t waste time thinking about Britney’s new tan fool,
You don’t wanna die and wanna do it again cool,
Love every moment has gotta be your new life’s rule

That’s right

I think it went okay. People applauded after I did it and I had several people come up to me afterwards and tell me that my oral was really good. Fingers crossed, it went well.


P.S. I went online to a rapper name generator and my male rapper name was Twista Trip and my female rapper name was LaLa Brown haha, that's where I got them from :P

Kg's to Goal: Undefined
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 32
Mental Slaps Today: 9


I just completely forgot to post yesterday. Like, it did not even cross my mind. Oopsie, I'll post twice today though, to make up for it haha :)

My formal is actually on the second of May, so it will miss BEDA!! I'm still going to be posting though, because I didn't start BEDA until like the fifteenth of April. I will post lots of pictures though hehe.

I actually just spent like the ENTIRE weekend writing, recording and editing my S.O.R. assignment. I didn't do any of my homework or anything haha. I still haven't done it tonight but that's because I'm lazy.

Um, nothing particularly exciting happened today, so I am going to end this post here. Check out my other post today! :P


Kg's to Goal: I still don't know *facepalm*
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 32
Mental Slaps Today: 9

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today, as you might have gathered from the title, was ANZAC Day. ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and today is when we honour and remember all of our fellows who have served and died in war.

We had a ceremony for this yesterday at my school. It was really moving and I nearly cried. However, I got a little bit annoyed because all of the focus was on WWI and WWII, no one even mentioned the Vietnam War or even the Iraq War. It made me so mad because it's like Australia is ashamed to be/have been participating in them and so we act like they don't exist. People have died in both of those wars, they have been devastating and people have made HUGE sacrifices and yet we act like they don't exist.

I mean, it's not like I'm exactly FOR our involvement in them either. I hate the idea of anyone interfering in each other's affairs for no good reason. But the simple fact is that soldiers don't declare war, Governments do. I'm like a total pacifist. I have yet to hear of a good reason for anyone going to war. (I mean maybe, maybe, the killing of Jews in Germany but that's not even the reason we went to war. Everyone turned a blind eye until they invaded Poland *rolls eyes*).

I'm actually writing an assignment on the anti-Vietnam War movements at the moment for Modern History. Well, I should be, I've been working on S.O.R. all day but that's due sooner so, you know, prioritising. I know that people were horrible to the Vietnam veterans when they came home. Admittedly, everyone on both sides committed atrocities but the simple fact is that I'm almost certain that they would not have done these things had they not been ordered. Ugh, it just makes me sad.

Anyway, in less somber news, I was watching RENT today and I noticed something extraordinary! Maureen in RENT is called MAUREEN JOHNSON!! I freaked out :P Maybe everyone already knew that but it impressed me. My sister was a bit weirded out haha.

I have to record my rap tomorrow and I...have to like...finish writing it first lol. I also have to memorise my oral entirely tomorrow, which I'm not really looking forward to. I'm not very good at giving orals that I haven't memorised so it's going to be really important for me to have this DOWN by Monday morning. Plus, it always impresses the teachers if they see that you've gone to that much trouble ;)

My formal (prom) dress arrived the other day, I'm not entirely sure if I said. This be it. (Happy 11:11 by the way, make a wish :P)

1) You can't really tell in this picture but the straps are actually like a forest green
2) Obviously this is not to the floor, I'm not freakishly short :P
3) I cut off my head because I was making a strange face lol
4) This picture sort of makes me look bigger than I am. I guess the dress is partially to blame because it makes my boobs look WAY bigger than they are in real life.
I'm going to go now, have a nice whatever-time-of-day :)
Mental Slaps Today: 6
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 32
Kg's to Goal: I wanted to check this today, but would you believe, there is not a single set of scales in my whole house! Except for a tiny cooking one that I would break if I stood on lol.