Friday, June 26, 2009

MY Happiness Project

I've been an avid reader of Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project blog for a while now. However, it never occurred to me until tonight that I would like to undertake my own happiness project. Naturally, I will be recording my progress here. Like Gretchen (I feel a bit funny calling her by her first name, I don't actually know her hehe) I will write my happiness commandments.


1. Love myself
2. Send and recieve love
3. Shimmer and shake
4. Be the fun
5. Let it go
6. Live the bigger life
7. See beauty everywhere
8. Be free

Some of these (and the inspiration for most of them) were taken from this post of Gretchen's and the comments to the post.

I am also going to be writing resolutions. These are kind of kin to the commandments, but they are more quantifiable. They're things that I can be graded on, almost.


1. Get enough sleep
This is quite important to me as I rarely sleep the advised eight hours a night. I have noticed, though, how much happier and nicer to be around I am when I have had those hours.

2. Wear fun clothes and/or colourful nailpolish at all times
I like this because not only will doing this remind me of my commandment to shimmer and shake, it also encourages me to see the fun in what I'm doing. It's also hard to feel unhappy with electric blue nailpolish or bright and fun clothing on :)

3. Compliment five people every day
This is tied in with my commandment 'send and recieve love'. I love being praised and I want to pass that happy feeling onto others.

4. Make time for activities that will make you happy
There are things, like reading my favourite books, which give me the same lingering smile as overcast weather or hot chocolate. I want to make more time for these simple pleasures in my life in the pursuit of my larger goals.

5. Actively remember the good times by keeping a diary
In addition to this, I will also be beginning a one-sentence journal (as per Ms. Rubin's idea). I think this is a great way to record my life and the events or thoughts in it that mean something to me without feeling the pressure of writing a thousand words every day.

6. Make a happiness scrapbook
I'm going to create a book that whenever I'm feeling blue I'll see pictures and quotes and tickets/whatever else to instantly lift me up again. I already keep all of the items which I associate with happy memories in shoe boxes but I want to make an easily accessible way to view these all at once for a concentrated exposure to bliss.

7. Eat healthily and exercise
This contributes to my overall wellbeing. As a vegetarian, I already watch what I eat a bit but I know that I definitely need to be doing more to make sure I'm getting all of the nutrients that I need. I also need to exercise more to become a healthier, and consequently happier, person.

8. Stand up straight and smile
I'm quite a tall girl and as a result of being quite self-conscious about this for a while I've developed terrible posture. I want to rectify this by standing up straighter and smiling more.

I might add more resolutions to this list as time goes on but in the mean time, that's it. (Can you tell that eight is my favourite number?) I'm quite excited about this project. I think it will be really beneficial for me.


P.S. I'm just going to write a quick love note to sparkly and glittery nailpolish. I love it so much, it never fails to make me happy. Mwah!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Things I Know

Well, to be honest, I don't really know all that much. Which is why I'm undertaking a project (which I *think* I've invented??). The project shall be called 'The Things I Know'. The basic premise is to ask everyone I know for something that they know. It could be meaningful or silly or useful.

For example, with the aid of this project, I've recently found out that the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz misquotes Pythagorus' Theorem, he says it is for an isocoles triangle, not a right-angled one. Where else would you find gems like that? Although, I'm not totally convinced it's either meaningful or useful :P

My friend Lulu maintains that in all of her years of wisdom, a person's core never changes. She then further poses the question, "is that cynical or optimistic?" Interesting stuff, folks. She also knows that, "to feel happy, one must only listen to Ray Charles". Or this beauty from another friend, "true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing". I'm assuming thats a quote from someone but it's still a cool sentiment. (He's just informed me that it was Socrates).

There are things that I already know. Things I've learnt from books and movies and just real life. The cheesy movie 'Chasing Liberty', which is about a President's daughter who runs away through Europe with a hunky Englishman, features the quote, "The things that you're afraid of are usually the most rewarding." Or something to that effect, anyway. I'm inclined to agree.

I know that the world is most beautiful when the stars come out.
I know that little events aren't the end of the world but it's fun to pretend like they are.
I know that waiting in lines is more entertaining if you think about who could be a celebrity from behind.
I know that not wanting to kiss someone probably means that you shouldn't be together.
I know that to be truly happy is to see beauty everywhere.
I know that the right song at the right time can heal a broken heart.
I know that smiling is the easiest way to feel happy.
I know that everyone is stunning in their own way.
I know that happiness can be a battle but you're always the better for it.
I know that sucking on ice cubes can cure the hiccups.
I know that the rules aren't always right.
I know that living in your own world isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I know that people change. (See the contrast between my friend's views and mine?)
I know that sometimes dreams are more important than reality.

What do you know?


Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm Not Dead

I'm not Eminem *random*.

This blog post is coming to you in eight parts. It's going to be like a good gumbo, full of everything that's not enough of a meal on its own but when added together = deliciousness.

Firstly on the agenda: Love. I has none. Rawr. Oh well, I think my little broken heart will bleed and maybe make me better. It worked in the Middle Ages?? Uuh...

Secondly: Music. I've not gone myspace scouting in a while, so my new music playlist is woefully lacking. Any recs would be totally appreciated. I'm very into sort of like...spacy-electro?? Think MGMT, Empire of the Sun etc. I'd also like some nineties grunge, a touch of modern day cutesy-pop, some fifties bop (a genre??) and a little bit of seventies folk. Any help with those would make me love you like ice-cream.

Thirdly: Fashion! Oh fashion. I've been on a total clothes kick lately (despite, not buying any...), meaning that I've been totally focused on them. It's winter here atm, so it's kind of like Fall fashion in America which is my absolute *favourite*. Some trends I immediately want to buy into:

* leather jacket
* plaid dresses
* tweed coat
* black ankle-boot heels
* boater hat (though, that's always on my list and isn't particularly wintery)
* ankle-length overalls (no one has them!)
* printed t-shirts and printed t-shirt dresses
* skinny jeans (I don't know how I've managed to avoid this thus far, I've never owned a pair)
* fifties hats
* imitation leather leggings

(There are more but I won't bore you further :P)

Fourthly (?): Writing. I'm writing a new story at the moment and I'm really excited about it. It's a perfect time actually, I've just gotten on holidays so I'll have a heap of time. I'm kind of looking for an over-arching human theme to write about but I don't really know. Love? Revenge? Power? All very cliche. The mind boggles.

Fifthly: Reading. Along that vein, I'd like to sing the praises of a wonderful author. I've read her for years (so has everyone else, I'm sure) but my shameful little pleasure: Tamora Pierce. I lovelovelove her books (and they're ridiculously quick to read). After introducing my friend to them I've been a bit obsessive about the series' recently (The Circle Series' [serieses, serii??] are my faves). I've been reading them instead of studying for my exams. Oopsie.

Sixthly: Magazines. Another overdone and expected rec but Nylon Magazine. I adore it, I love the fashion editorials and the articles and the interviews and just everything about it makes my heart skip a couple thousand beats. It makes me feel gooier than an uncooked cake, I promise you. My friend also wants me to read Teen Vogue but I am unconvinced. Is it any good? Further recs for Rolling Stone, duh, and Frankie Magazine. Frankie is an Australian magazine but its stuffed with whimsy and makes me want to dress up in florals and pearls and host a tea party.

Seventhly: Friends. My friends have been awesome lately. A new girl has joined our group recently, despite it being our senior year, after having a long and rather sticky fight with one of the groups that we're closest to. It will be interesting to see how this goes. I both do and don't hope she brings drama to the group. I'm a bit bored, I'll be honest but I find negativity as distressing as anyone else. Oh, and I'm still convinced that I won't be friends with the friend who I'd been having problems with when I go to uni but I think we're both happier for the thought.

Eightly (my favourite number! I have to leave it here now, even if I wasn't planning on doing it before hehe): Me. Self-obsessed, I know, but why would I have this blog if I weren't. I'm pretty good. I don't even want to think about the grades I've been getting, but luckily I don't have to until I get my report card. I bought The Sims 3 the other day, I'm not entirely sure it's better than The Sims 2. I haven't been playing it tooooooo much though. That said, I've spent at least nine hours playing it. Eh, *shrug*. Things that make me happy now:

* buying coloured cds instead of the plain silver ones
* Nylon!!
* thai food for dinner
* The Mighty Book of Boosh (<3!!!)
* holidayssss
* electric blue nailpolish
* Breakfast at Tiffanys
* Wild Child (facepalm)
* green tea ice-cream

There's something appealing about flouting the regular conventions of grammar and writing everything in lower case. perhaps i'll be like e.e. cummings from now on. i dunno, i just like the way it looks. i apparently, though, cannot give up my beloved commas and apostrophes. eh, i think i'll see you next post with significantly better grammar.
