Friday, January 1, 2010

Bloglight: Charade

Hello kiddos!

It's a new year (A NEW DECADE!) and with that comes a new segment, Bloglight, wherein I will share the blogs I love so that you may love them too!

Today will be one of my faaaaaave blogs ever, I read it super religiously: Charade by Megan (clearly a good name, non?). I lovelovelove the style and life advice in this blog and Megan's witty and friendly writing-style makes it a dream to read.

Starting on the 1st, she is going to be posting one article for every day in January in her 'Make Your Life Amazing' series! I am so insanely in love with this idea like you can't believe and I'm super excited to see all of her content!

So definitely check that out (you can thank me later :P)


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