Friday, April 10, 2009


Maybe every soul is partially energy, and that energy is the same as all of the other energy but it contains the one difference which is your essence. And maybe your essence is what makes you you. So your soul is exactly the same as your neighbour's soul, your sister's soul, but without their essence.

A person is only made up of a body and a soul. The soul is free from influence, aside from knowlege or change, it is just energy and essence. Then all souls are intrinsically neither good nor bad, they just are. Like babies, babies have not experienced much, so they are the purest form of soul in a physical being. They are neither good nor evil yet, they exist, until they or their circumstance decides what they are to be and how they will live.

Maybe when you die your energy and essence (which added together make your soul) shifts and does one of two things. It could go into another body, another vessel, and thus the person is changed because one element of the body/soul combination has been changed, but the essence and energy is the same. Maybe that's where past lives come from, residual information from the previous life the soul has occupied is transferred to the new person perhaps.

If it doesn't do that, maybe your soul combines with all the other energies and essences that are not on Earth into a big ball of energy and essence, an enersphere or something. So then if your soul does that, it changes, it's energy is combined into the mass of other energy and it's essence is combined as well. Hence, if a soul is created from the enersphere, it would not be the same as any of the souls which were originally put into it, because everything is one and a new mixture would have been made. Like making dough, if you make one big ball of dough and you have several little balls. If you put the little balls into the big ball of dough they are subsumed by it and cease to exist as individual things. If you break off another small bit of dough, it will not be the same as any of the other small bits, it will be made up of different eggs, different flour etc.

Since matter cannot be created or destroyed, maybe there is a finite amount of energy that can be made into souls but there is no limit to the amount of souls that can be made from that energy. Maybe we can harness our soul's energy to do productive and beautiful things. Maybe it is our soul's energy which determines if we are happy and at peace depending on how aware we are of our energy, how we treat it, how we utilise it to our own benefit.Maybe you had a past life or maybe you've come straight from the enersphere.

(This is based on a discussion my friend Steph and I had a while ago. Some of the ideas are hers and some are mine but I really like the conclusions we came to :])

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