Tuesday, April 6, 2010

'Allo, 'Allo

Hello, hello, lovely blogthings.

I am currently nursing a six-post-a-night backache* presently. Oh BEDA, how you'll kill me. My lovely boyfriend has offered me a massage as soon as I'm done with this, though. And we have new frangipani massage oil which smells *delicious*.

I have fifty-two minutes to post this, plenty of time, for once. I wish I was as dedicated to my assignments as I am to posting, and catching up on, BEDA blogs. It would be so easy to do them if they were as interesting, fun and motivating as this. Oh well, as long as this gets/keeps me writing, I am not complaining at all.

My eighteenth birthday is soonish, so today I scoured the *entire* website of Forever 21 to look for things I wanted. I ended up not with a massive list, like I was expecting. Spring and summer fashion has never been my fave, so that's likely why.

My most coveted items are:

Banded/bandage skirt
Sailor tunic
Plaid dress
Mesh-skirt dress
Bird pendant necklace
Pleather leggings
Glasses pendant necklace
Madeline hat
Punk top
Pink hoodie

Oddly, in one of my classes at uni, we have to write three blogs for assessment. Apparently, on the first one, I had the style and voice of a blog down pat but my subject choice wasn't very good. I guess that's what happens when you're a chronic procrastinator and you can't think of anything to write.

Lots and lots of uni work at the moment, nothing terribly exciting to report on that front, I'm afraid. I'm on Easter break though, at the moment, which is proving to be little more than a study vacation. My Easter was wonderful, I spent the day with the boyfriend and my family. We had an Easter egg hunt, which one of my older sisters won, despite both me and my other sister having boyfriends on our team. Not that winning really matters in my family, at the end of the hunt, we gather all of the eggs together and divvy them equally. It was only last year when I realised that other families did not do this. I think it's a bit nicer that way though, everyone is finding eggs not for personal gain or glory but for the satisfaction of chocolate cravings of the entire group. I enjoy our socialist Easter eggs.

Made it and with twenty-seven minutes to spare, to boot!

That's all, folks!


* To prove how much of a classical music nerd I am, I spelled back as bach.

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