Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Epic Fail

I completely fail at life. I missed the beginning week of BEDA and, for some reason, decided that Maureen Johnson would have a personal vendetta against me beginning it a week late. I then decided to wait another week before discovering that people were, in fact, allowed to join this late. *facekeyboard*

As has already been hinted, I am going to begin BEDA now. I might (no, I *will*) blog every day until the fifteenth of May, to make up for my notsome-ness. I have exciting things coming up in May (my birthday, my formal [prom]) so it could make for interesting reading. I've also signed up for a BEDA buddy, 'cause I'm cool like that.

This is going to have to be a fairly short blog post because I have to go and get ready for work in about eight minutes. I spent the majority of today googling 'how to compose a rap'. I am a bit astonished by how this came to be, to be honest. In my Study of Religion class, we have an assignment to 'contemporise a Bible story', right?, being the beacon of inherent wit that I am, decided to tell my teacher that I was going to do a rap as a joke. I did not expect to hear, "Oh, what a wonderful idea! That's so clever! I'm really looking forward to this!"

I was like, "" When I tried to tell her that it was a joke she said, "nonsense, it's a brilliant idea" and with a hidden menace in her voice added, "and you'll do it!" In my head I was saying, "Ooookay, back away slowly, lady." But anyway, now I have been roped into doing a rap when I am the least gangsta person you're likely to meet. Hence my rather nerdy approach of reasearching just how one makes a good rap.

I'm doing the passage 'Advice to a Young Man' if anyone's interested. It basically goes, "Enjoy your life while you're young. Do what you want but remember that Big Brother (I mean, God), is watching, always watching. But be happy while you're young because one day you will be old and your life will suck and you'll have weak and withered bones and you'll be useless and miserable etc. etc."


My friend is doing the story "David's Adultery with Bathsheba". She's going to do a soap *opera*. As in, not only will it be a complete take-off of Bold and the Beautiful but there will be singing...opera singing. It will basically be like business mogul sleeps with secretary (shocker) but she's already married so he arranges to have her husband killed. He marries her because she is pregnant, however, as punishment for his wrongdoing, the baby dies. Guess who your lovely Bathsheba is? Moi. Luckily, my friend is going to sing both David and Bathsheba's parts and I just have to mouth it. We're filming that tomorrow, so I'll let you know how it goes.

It's two minutes past when I said I had to go, so I'll leave it there.


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