Friday, April 10, 2009

Of Greetings and Goodbyes


I'm Megan and this is my blog.

My fascination and love for blogging has recently been re-awakened when looking at Mauren Johnson's blog. To fully demonstrate this fresh start to myself, I am beginning a new blog, turning over a new leaf.

To be a tiny bit more cliche (excruciating, isn't it? :P), I'm going to tell you a little bit more about myself. I'm a teenager, a senior in high school to be more exact, and am currently attending an all-girls Catholic high school. Oh the joy.

I like long walks on the beach...just kidding, I hate the beach. I love writing, singing, dancing, acting, cold and rainy weather, reading, soup, clothes(!) and anything out of the ordinary.

I hate meat, heat, routines, dripping taps, country music and staying in one place for too long.

Well, now that that's over, I'll probably be copying some of my favourite posts from my old blog over here, just to get me started :)


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