Thursday, April 16, 2009

...I Have Given You a Name...

As I mentioned in my last post, we didn't actually end up filming my friend's thing today. Our location was unavailable (read: our friend who's house we're going to take over was out). But no matter, the show must go on and all that, we're filming tomorrow. I actually spent a large portion of today watching first season Hannah Montana on youtube. I don't really know why...the fancy struck me, I guess. I do have one thing to say though. How annoying is Lily?! She yells all the time and makes such annoying facial expressions. Also, what's up with Miley's accent in it? So weird.

I think since I posted three times yesterday (stupid) I don't really have much to say today. I was considering just saying bit more about myself but I kind of did that with the quiz yesterday. Also, I spent huge amounts of time on this in my first post here. Le sigh. I apologise about the lack of interest in this post. Things will get more interesting when I get back to school...or, you know, start having interactions with people IRL again.

I didn't do yoga today, I'm such a bad person. I'm supposed to do it every day except for Wednesdays and Friday. What I usually do is like a half-hour session focusing on abs, then half an hour of jogging on the treadmill and another half-hour session for butt and thighs. My abs are still hurting from the one I did on Tuesday! Every time I laugh it feels like a punch in the guts. Not fun.

I also haven't mentioned this but we're also finishing up filming in a different friend's Film and Television project on Sunday. I'm only in the background in that one but its so's set in the forties and we play chorus girls. We've been having all kinds of crazy costumes and stage make-up. It's awesome.

I might blog a tiny bit about Easter. My family (my mother and one of my sisters) is Catholic. So, we celebrate Easter. That said, we don't go to Church or anything like that on it. My Mum still does Easter egg hunts for us even though we're turning seventeen, nineteen and twenty-one. This time she did it with money instead of chocolate though. It was epic. I always get confused when people ask who got the most money (or, in past years, the most eggs) because in my family we always divide it up evenly at the end. I'd never really considered *not* doing that. I dunno, is that weird?

I might leave it with a quick conversation between my sister and I (sorry, sorry, a thousand apologies for it's terribleness). I need my beauty sleep to be stunning Bathsheba tomorrow ;)

Megan: Yeah, well I have a missile launched and it's co-ordinates are your bedroom.
Sister: No sweat. My bigger, better nukes will blast your puny missile to hell XD.
Megan: Pah, I guess that makes you North Korea.
Sister: Nah, I prefer the name: AMERICA!
Megan: Really?
Megan: I mean, forced to choose I'd pick... oh look, a big-ass whale!
Sister: Dude, that's just your reflection!
Megan: :-O :-O :-O :-O :-O
Megan: What a good call!
Megan: I'll high-five to that!


P.S. I realise I've used a Ministry of Magic lyric for the title. I'm listening to it and I can't think of anything :P

Kg's to Goal: 6
Guitar Hero Plays This Year: 30
Mental Slaps Today: 4

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