Thursday, April 30, 2009

Special Extra Post!

So, I saw this on Johnny Durham's website and it looked so awesome that I wanted to try it :P

What you do is type in your answer to the following question into google images, pick a question from the first page and make a collage.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. What is your hometown?

4. What is your favorite color?

5. What is your favorite movie?

6. What is your favorite drink?

7. What is your dream vacation?

8. What is your favorite dessert?

9. What is one word to describe yourself?

10. How are you feeling right now?

11. What do you love most in the world?

12. What do you want to be when you grow up?



  1. Hi

    I noticed your collage first because of the first picture

    I'm Megan too

    And then I saw the last one and I wondered... does she want to be an author too?


  2. I'm totally going to do this! I love this kind of stuff.

    And it's so sad that BEDA is over. I think that we should also do
    BEDS (Blog Every Day September) because that's a funny acronym, haha.

  3. I agree, I love the collage. I will have to do one of those too!
