Friday, April 10, 2009

Teenage Fantasy...No, It's Not Edward Cullen

Now I know it is a horrible cliche for teenage girls to plan out their special day down to the letter, but hear me out.

I want my wedding to be carnival/circus themed. As in, I want to have the ceremony in the Big Top of some circus and the reception being everyone running around and going on rides etc. I want people to eat fairy floss (candy floss/cotton candy), popcorn and dagwood dogs. I want circus performers to be walking around.

I want to wear a white knee-length dress, with a white corset-ish top and a flared skirt with bright royal blue petticoats and a blue sash. I want to have beehive style hair (like an actual beehive, not an Amy Winehouse type look) with a little blue bow ribbon in it. I want to wear white pointe shoes. I want to have a metallic multicoloured christmas bauble bouquet. I want my whole wedding to be multicoloured. I want my bridesmaids all wearing different-coloured bright dresses.

I want polaroid pictures on picture holders to be the wedding cake toppers. As a matter of fact, I don't want an actual cake, I want a tower of multicoloured cupcakes. I want my first dance with my husband to be the macarena. I want to dance the nutbush with my dad, the chicken dance with my mum.

Typical teenage girl? Methinks not haha.


1 comment:

  1. I love that! I'm totally coming to your wedding... even though we're only BEDA Buddies and have never actually met, but OH WELL.

