Monday, April 20, 2009

Thoughts on the Doctor Who Special: Planet of the Dead

I thought for this post, as the title might hint at :P, I would just give a quick review of the Doctor Who special, Planet of the Dead. This hasn't actually aired in Australia yet but I was naughty and watched it on youtube. Beware, spoilers ahead if you haven't seen it.

I sort of felt like this was an okay special, it wasn't great but it wasn't horrible either. I thought that a lot of what happened was just too easy. I liked the clever set-up at the beginning but I didn't really understand why the Doctor had that strange device and why it was such a big deal. I have to wonder though, how the police car that was following them in the bus got through the tunnel without being sucked see them on the opposite side but they can't have travelled through it. PLOT HOLE!

I had a kind of love-hate relationship with Christina. It was nice to see a kick-ass companion who wasn't the typical wilt-in-the-shadows side-kick but I thought that her character lacked a bit of depth. She was always racing in, guns blazing, and we never really got a quiet moment to get to know her. She was a bit *too* practical in that she was never particularly emotionally engaged in what was happening. She didn't care when her 'lover' was taken away by the police or when the aliens that had befriended them were killed.

I did really love the other characters though and how the Doctor was so enthralled by their normality. He loved the fact that one of them had just lost their job and another couple were having steak and gravy (??) for dinner. He was so engaged with the way that they were able to confidently plan for their futures and worry about no more than finding a new career in a way that he would never be able to do.

I think that this highlighted to the Doctor his separation from his companions. I did like how the Doctor seemed very upset and emotional about the loss of yet another friend. I wonder how they're going to progress him through his emotions to make the new doctor willing to take one on next series.

Just a quick note about the new Doctor: I lovelovelove David and I'll miss him soooooo ridiculously much. I was so prepared to hate Matt that I spent the first few moments after I'd seen his picture cursing him to high heaven. However, I watched an interview with him and I fell in love with him within a few seconds. He's not as good-looking as David but he has a certain charm. I'm glad that they're taking the show in a new direction and I'm really looking forward to seeing him as the Doctor.

That's all from me, folks.


Kg's to Goal: 6.5 (dfnkdoifn b!!)
Guitar Hero Plays this Year: 31 (still)
Mental Slaps Today: 5

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